National Child Health Day by eatwell.withmel
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Tip 1 - Hidden fruit & veg
A variety of different fruit & vegetables provides children with a variety of micronutrients which support their growth & cognitive development, bone health & immune system.
- Blend veg into sauces or mash such as courgette, peppers or cauliflower.
- Baking with fruit or grated veg such as grated sweet potato or carrot into savory muffins or berries into oat bars.
- Mix vegetables into home made burgers or meatballs such as lentils, broccoli or courgette.
- Freeze chopped or blended fruit into ice lollies.
Tip 2 - Child friendly probiotic & prebiotic foods
Probiotic foods = increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. Creates a diverse gut microbiome which supports many different areas of our health including our immune system.
- Yogurt
- Certain cheeses eg cheddar & mozzarella
- Sourdough bread
Probiotic foods = food for the good bacteria in our gut, important to look after these as they support our health & digestive system.
- Bananas
- Oats
- Apples
- Whole grains
Tip 3 - Keeping active
Being active as a child helps to support bone & muscle strength, heart health & promote better sleep.
Children ages 5-16 should be active for at least 60 mins a day. This can be:
- Walking
- Playing in the park/garden
- Dancing
- Sports
Tips to encourage your children to be active:
- Create treasure hunts or a set of tasks to complete
- Challenge them eg time how long it takes for them to complete something (run to the end of the garden & back) or how many star jumps they can do in a minute.
- Any after school hobbies or activities focus on what they enjoy, if they’re not very competitive or sporty they might prefer individual sports over team sports.
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